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Register Now! Telelearning Session: Newcomers and Community Economic Development

New immigration patterns are changing the face of Canada, and the Social Economy must adapt to the shift. Participate in an engaging telelearning session as presenters Stephen Ameyaw and Lindsey McBain explore some of the Community Economic Development (CED) solutions that are working well with immigrants and refugees. Join us to examine the following:

* How can we best share CED's sound fundamentals?
* Why is Social Enterprise a good fit for newcomers?
* What challenges are faced in applying CED to a newcomer context?

Please join us!

CCEDNet adds name to supporters of

YOUTH SPEAK UP - Will the candidates listen?

CCEDNet is proud to be part of YOUTH COUNT an alliance of not for profit organizations that promote youth engagement that has launched a website meant to bring youth issues to the forefront of the 2008 federal election.

WWW.YOUTHCOUNT.CA allows users to quickly and easily send emails to the candidates in their home ridings asking them to position themselves on this issue. 

CCEDNet responds to the CRA's proposed guidelines for fundraising

CCEDNet is excited by the CRA’s initiative to address recent issues of accountability and appropriate activity for charities in Canada. We feel that this is a great opportunity to build stronger relationships and trust between the public and charitable organizations and to better articulate acceptable charitable fundraising activities.

Register Online Now! Free Teleconference - Modernizing the Ontario Corporations Act

The current statutory regime governing not-for-profit corporations in Ontario requires updating. The original version of the statute, the Corporations Act (CA), was created in 1907 and was last substantially revised in 1953. Since that time, there have been no significant revisions to the CA. Concerns have been raised that the CA is antiquated, cumbersome and does not statutorily meet the requirements of the modern not-for-profit sector. At present, there are over 50,000 not-for-profit corporations active in Ontario under the CA.

Announcing Bursary Recipients - SFU Certificate Program for CED Professionals

On behalf of the Canadian CED Network, Coast Capital Savings and the Vancity Community Foundation it is with great pleasure that we introduce the recipients of the 2008 Bursaries for the SFU Certificate Program for CED Professionals.

All of the applicants have our sincere thanks and respect for the work they do, re-localizing and democratizing BC's economy, one community at a time.

The 2008 Bursary Award Winners are:


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