Training sessions for the practitioners of written community medias.
Publishing or the newspaper Le trotteur every 2 months for a total of 5 editions / year.
Special studies (ex. study on the potential of biologic agriculture in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region).
Activity Coded:
Human Resource Development
Client Participation:
Through the board of directors meetings and the annual general meeting where the action plan is accepted.
Via les assemblées du conseil d'administration et l'assemblée générale annuelle où est accepté le plan d'actions.
Client Participation Code:
Citizens of the rural community.
Citoyens du monde rural
Internal conflicts in villages (conflicts and factions).
Les conflits internes dans les villages (luttes de factions).
Municipal fusions (loss of municipal government, factor that limits development).
Les fusions municipales (perte du gouvernement municipal, facteur qui limite le développement).
Lack of mobilization (busy with their work and too busy trying to ensure their financial survival, the citizens have less and less time to get involved in their community.
Le manque de mobilisation (pris par leur travail et trop occupés à assurer leur survie financière, les citoyens ont de moins en moins de temps pour s'impliquer dans leur communauté.
Start with the needs expressed by the citizens.