EUKN Annual Conference: Shrinking Areas - Front Runners in Innovative Citizen Participation

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7 December, 2012

On December 7, 2012, The European Union Knowledge Network's (EUKN) 5th annual conference will take place in Essen, Germany. The conference will be organised in close co-operation with the Ruhr Regional Association and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.

The EUKN conference is built around an interactive exchange on citizen participation in shrinking urban areas. To overcome the consequences of shrinkage, joint action is needed. Local authorities need to co-operate with citizens to find ways to maintain the quality of life in their city or town.

EUKN will present innovative examples of citizen participation with regard to their daily life in shrinking areas: health, education, employment, mobility, shopping and sports. Interactive on-site debates are an important part of the conference. They provide a deeper insight in successful policy approaches and offer insight into participatory process facilitated by local authorities.

For more information >>

Event Contact: 
Essen, Germany  --