Photos and the Web

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28 March, 2013
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Photos have become common place. With cameras now in nearly every cellphone and cellphones in almost every pocket, quality photos are easy to get and taken readily. We will take a look at how to keep your photos looking great while reducing the size so they don't slow your website, discuss the difference between number of pixels, pixel density and image size and take a quick look at options for cameras and editing software.
The presentation will be Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 2:00pm in the GreenIt Classroom (links will be sent out via email prior to the presentation if you have signed up). It should be approximately 15 minutes in length.



TECHtogether is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership that transforms how small non-profits use technology day-to-day to communicate ideas and share knowledge. The Canadian CED Network is a proud partner in this project.


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