Introduction to Social Enterprise: Employment Training Program Models

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17 July, 2013

The Counselling Foundation of Canada and Enterprising Non-Profits (enp) are pleased to host a FREE  webinar series for organizations interested in learning more about social enterprises that promote employment skills. This three-part series will run on three Wednesdays in July. It will provide an introduction to social enterprise with a focus on those that promote employment training and employment opportunities, an exploration of three case studies of successful employment training social enterprises from across Canada, and the support that exists for organizations seeking to explore how they could potentially launch a social enterprise, including Innoweave and enp services.Thank You for Registering

Additionally, Innoweave will host a standalone introduction to social enterprise webinar on September 12.

Session #1: Wednesday, July 17 from 12PM to 1PM ET

Introduction to Social Enterprise featuring Employment Training Program models.

Social enterprise is an emerging tool for non-profit and charitable organizations to enhance their service delivery and financial sustainability. They are businesses that blend both successful enterprise endeavours and social outcomes. Focusing on employment-based models this webinar session will be a good introduction to the concept, practice and process for social enterprise.

Specific questions that this webinar will answer:

  • What is social enterprise?
  • Why start a social enterprise?
  • What kind of business will support employment opportunities?
  • How do we measure success?
  • How do we start and who should be involved?

Presenter: David Lepage (Team Manager, Enterprising Non-Profits)

David is the Team Manager of Enterprising Non-Profits (enp) supporting the development and growth of social enterprises. Enp provides resources, technical assistance, workshops, grants and is collaborating on creating an enabling environment for social enterprise across Canada. He has worked in the non-profit arena for over 35 years, in inner cities, and remote communities, diverse cultural communities, in multiple roles, from board, manager, staff and funder.

Click here to register.

Event Contact: 

If you have questions regarding this webinar series, please contact Mario R. Gravelle at

Counselling Foundation of Canada
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