Best of Bridgeland - Local Business & Community Festival

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16 July, 2013
Start Time: 

This month: Best of Bridgeland!

What happened when a group of local residents interested in community and local business connected with their Community Social Worker, Community Association, and local businesses about an idea to celebrate both? Last month in Bridgeland, the end result was a fantastic street festival that involved over 30 local businesses and hundreds of residents, celebrating their community and businesses. Furthermore, due to the recent flood we will hear from and about the Bridgeland businesses that responded immediately and generously to needs in their community.

Find out:
What was the Best of Bridgeland?
Why did they host it?
How did they do it?
Who participated and what was the role of each partner?
What learning would they share with other communities?
Why and how do local businesses invest in communities?

We will hear from:
- Devon LeClair, Community resident and organizer of Best of Bridgeland
- Christine Bennett, Team Lead, Community and Neighbourhood Services, City ofCalgary
- Business Owner (TBA)
- Peggy Wouts, President of the Bridgeland Riverside Community Association

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 6:00 PM to

917 Centre Ave NE, Calgary, AB  (map)
Next to the soccer fields on 9th Street. Where the old hospital used to be.

A light dinner will be provided. Please ensure you RSVP and inform us of any changes to your ability to attend.

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