Participatory Management Skills: Strengthening Non-Profits Workshop

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5 November, 2013


November 5 | 1 to 4pm
United Way Learning Centre (580 Main St.)

CCEDNet Mbrs: $25 | Non-Members: $75 | 
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For this workshop, participatory management is defined as “using management systems and leadership styles that attempt to increase employee influence in the management process, especially decision-making”.

This workshop will look at the positive values of increasing employee participation in decision making and the barriers to reaping those benefits.  The workshop will look at components of organizational structure, policies, and workplace culture which either impede or support participation.  The last area to be explored will be focused on communication, problem solving and decision making styles which support inclusion and the skills needed by managers and all employees for participative management systems to be effective and efficient.  

The workshop will use the presentation of research and personal experience to support discussion and sharing of knowledge.  Tools for decision making and examples of training exercises to develop skills or open discussion with employees will also be shared.

About the Facilitator:
Cindy Coker joined SEED Winnipeg in 2002 with extensive experience working in the economic development field in the United States, primarily using a worker cooperative model for enterprise development. Cindy worked as a consultant to worker cooperatives, providing advice and training in the areas of management design and training, financial systems, and strategic planning. She was a founding member of a worker cooperative network in the field of childcare and served as its initial president, and she also founded and served as the executive director of a non-profit set up by the network to oversee development, training and organizing projects. Cindy currently serves as a member of the Manitoba Cooperative Association, as the Chair of the Manitoba Cooperative Promotions Board, and is also the founding Co-chair of the Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council.


The Fall 2013 Strengthening Non-Profits Workshops are presented by Spark - A Service of the Canadian CED Network. These learning events are made possible by the generous support of United Way Winnipeg:
Canadian CED Network
Winnipeg  Manitoba