Evaluating Outcomes of Community Food Actions

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29 January, 2014

1:00 - 2:30 pm EST

“Evaluation of Food Security Initiatives: A Dialogue” is the first webinar in a two-part series delivered jointly by the Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC), the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), and the First Nations and Inuit Branch of Health Canada.

This webinar provides and opportunity for learning, dialogue and exchange about 'what works' in food security evaluation, and will highlight the resource entitled "Evaluating Outcomes of Community Food Actions: A Guide" (the Guide), developed by PHAC, in collaboration with Health Canada.

Participants will hear from and ask questions to expert speakers on a range of issues including:

  1. An introduction to evaluation of food security initiatives;
  2. An overview of the resource entitled, "Evaluating Outcomes of Community Food Actions: A Guide" (the Guide);
  3. Introduction to Community Food Centres Canada, including their food security evaluation initiatives and resources (more...);
  4. Discussion of 'what works' across initiatives, groups, and settings.

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