The HMS is seeking a part time Coordinator to advance its vision and mission. The Coordinator will be supervised by a key HMS volunteer.
The purpose of this position is to:
- network and link with existing HMS committees to promote and coordinate the society, programs, volunteers, etc
- develop and maintain HMS memberships
- pursue and carry out beneficial grants
- Receive general inquiries to HMS (email and postmail) and forward to appropriate committee/volunteer
- Facilitate setting date/time of HMS quarterly meetings (excludes agenda, logistics, etc.)
HMS Newsletter:
- Solicit content for a semiannual (spring/fall) HMS newsletter
- Coordinate design and distribution (electronic/printed) to members, Clearwater residents and HMS stakeholders
- Advertise and receive/renew memberships
- Maintain a membership database
- Communicate with membership via email and newsletter
Grant writing:
- Work with experienced volunteers and committees to prepare and administer key grants that grow the organization’s capacity (e.g. EcoAction)
- Green Team/Canada Summer Jobs grants as time allows (volunteers have written these in the past)
Volunteer Coordination:
- If someone is interested in volunteering with HMS, the Coordinator will refer them to an appropriate “core mooner”. (HMS is only able to take on volunteers who are able to contribute within our current organizational structures and priorities).
- Attend and report at HMS board meetings, strategic planning meetings and AGM
Skills / experience needed:
- Great organizational skills
- Experience managing databases and with communications
- Great written and oral communications
- Experience writing successful grants
- Able to work independently with minimal supervision
- Support values and goals of HMS
- Knowledge of rural community development, environmental sustainability and food security issues
- Ideally, the Coordinator will physically work in Clearwater, Manitoba at the HMS Learning Centre office. If the Coordinator does not live in Clearwater, s/he is expected to travel there on a regular (min. monthly) basis and can work from a home office. The staff person should have access to transportation and a laptop computer.
Submit an Application:
This position pays $16 per hour for 15 hours per week to start. It is a one year term position with possibility for extension based on funding.
Please submit a cover letter and resume to:
HMS Coordinator Hiring Committee by Friday March 7th at 5 p.m.
7 Mar 2014
Harvest Moon Society
Winnipeg Manitoba