2014 Assets Learning Conference: Platforms for Prosperity

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17 September, 2014 to 19 September, 2014

The Assets Learning Conference is a nationally recognized biennial event that brings together more than 1,200 professionals from leading nonprofits, foundations, financial institutions, corporations, academic institutions and government entities to learn about and advance asset building in the United States. The Conference is the only event of its kind and addresses the entire spectrum of asset-building strategies, ranging from youth financial education to retirement savings. The 2014 Assets Learning Conference, Platforms for Prosperity, will build on nearly a quarter-century of experience convening a diverse range of partners to learn from each other about cutting-edge strategies that blaze trails toward financial security for low- and moderate-income Americans.

For more on why you should attend, program highlights and previous Assets Learning Conferences, visit: http://prosperitynow.cvent.com/d/ftqt7n/6K?RefID=SummitHome

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Agenda at a Glance

Wednesday, September 17
8:30 am - 8 pm
- Two plenaries, including the State of the Field
- Concurrent sessions, capacity-building intensives and small-group roundtable discussions
- Conference Networking Reception and Fair
Thursday, September 18
8:30 am - 9 pm
- Breakfast plenary and networking luncheon
- Concurrent sessions
- Capitol Hill Advocacy Visits and special federal agency staff event
- ALC Dinner and Platforms for Prosperity Contest Program
Friday, September 19
8:30 am - 2 pm
- Two plenaries, including closing call to action luncheon
- Concurrent sessions


CFED – Corporation for Enterprise Development
Washington DC  --
United States