Measuring Your Local Impact

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25 September, 2014

1:00pm - 2:00pm (Pacific Time)

Place matters, people matter, ownership matters... and how we measure them matters.

Local leaders are constantly asked to quantify their impact on their communities for funders, partners and standard reporting. The challenge is knowing the right questions to ask and having useful, accessible tools that are relevant for the New Economy.

In this free webinar, hear what BALLE is learning from our network leaders, hands-on case studies from two BALLE fellows, and an update on the Quick Impact Assessment for Localists, a new online tool BALLE is piloting in partnership with B Lab to help conveners measure outcomes among businesses in their communities.

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Elissa Hillary: Executive Director, Local First Grand Rapids
Alfa Demmellash: Co-Founder & CEO, Rising Tides Capital
Stacey Price: Consultant, BALLE
Susan Miller: Senior Advisor, Business Development, BALLE

BALLE (the Business Alliance of Local Living Economies)
Webinar  --
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