St. Paul's Church
227 Bloor St. E
Build a legacy of safe, happy, and healthy communities
The 8-80 Cities Urban Legacy Academy is an interactive two-day learning experience for community leaders eager to create safer and happier communities. The curriculum will equip older adults with the tools they need to become effective activists for stronger walking, cycling, and public space networks.
You will learn:
- How to assess the vibrancy of local parks & public spaces
- How streets contribute to the public realm
- Best practices on walkability & bikeability
- Effective techniques for engaging decision makers & elected officials
As a hands-on experience, the Academy will include hands-on activities, an interactive walking tour, and inspiring presentations by some of Canada's leading urban activists including, Gil Penalosa, Susan Eng, Paul Bedford, and Ken Greenberg.
The Academy is designed to build community leaders by teaching and supporting the knowledge and skills needed to be effective advocates for safe and vibrant streets and public spaces. By connecting you with like minded peers and experts, you will be empowered to take action in your own community!
Register here
More information:
Registration*: $100 includes light breakfast (both days), lunch (both days), transportation during the event, and resources and materials
Questions? Contact Elysia Leung at eleung at or 416-591-7404 ext. 7014
*If cost is a barrier to your participation in this event, please e-mail Elysia Leung stating your interest in the program so we can arrange a subsidized rate.