10am to 3pm
212 - 1737 West 3rd Ave
This full-day highly interactive workshop will empower you to co-operatively make great decisions for your co-op. You will leave the workshop with a solid understanding of your Rules, what is required of them, and why they are of benefit to your co-op. You'll also have the capacity to update or write your Rules.
Register here
Rules Writing Intensive.
Rules (aka co-op by laws) provide the map for your organization to function and answer important questions such as, How can members join the co-op? Or What is everyone’s responsibilities?.
Drafting rules can be a challenging undertaking to create, revise, and review.
This full-day highly interactive workshop will empower you to co-operatively make great decisions for your co-op. You will leave the workshop with a solid understanding of your Rules, what is required of them, and why they are of benefit to your co-op.
Learn the ropes and plan for success.
To make the most of it you will need to bring:
- An electronic copy of your co-op’s Rules
- If you don’t have current Rules, your co-op’s ideas and action plan towards incorporation
- Questions that you or have about your Rules as they currently exist
- Identified areas that you would like to address, review, or revise.
- Pack a lunch as well!
Please note: This workshop is not legal advice, and the facilitator cannot offer legal advice or provide legal services. If your co-op needs to seek out a lawyer for assistance, the BCCA can connect you with experts in the field.
Attend in-person in Vancouver.
This workshop will be held in-person in Vancouver. If you can't make it to the workshop in person, BCCA training sessions are available by webinar or teleconference. We'll make it happen. Just get in touch.