Financing Your Social Enterprise

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23 April, 2015

9am to 12pm, Atlantic Time

This half-day workshop focuses on the various models being used by non-profits and social enterprises to capitalize their start up and expansion projects. Participants will explore traditional means (ie. donations, grants, fundraising) and be introduced to the newer, innovative capital-raising tools being used by social enterprises today like:

  • Owner/member equity
  • Community and private investment (CEDIF, SBITC, equity-based crowd funding, angels, VCs)
  • Social Impact Bonds
  • Social enterprise loans and loan guarantees

Through presentations, case studies, and small group discussions, participants will assess how these tools might apply to their organization's needs, structures, and opportunities. They will also learn where to find more information and resources to help them with next steps.

Register Now Online or directly with Carolyne Mongrain at LearnSphere Canada Inc. by phone: (506) 260-0209 or by email at: carolyne.mongrain at


Register April 15th

Source: LearnSphere

Training for the Non-Profit Sector
Moncton  New Brunswick