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2 June, 2015

10:00-11:00am PST

The economy wants to change.

Indigenomics examines the historical and current Canadian context of Indigenous relations in regards to economic thought. It highlights the shifting influence and position of First Nations people in the emerging new economy. This webinar will examine place-based values while honouring the powerful thinking of Indigenous wisdom in the context of local economics, relationship building and humanity.

Do you want to learn how to accelerate the transition to local living economies?

If you are considering enrolling in the SFU Certificate Program for Community Economic Development, this webinar series is a unique opportunity to meet four of our instructors. If you participate in all 4 webinars of this series, we'll mail you a copy of Michael Shuman's most recent book The Local Economy Solution (will be published in June 2015).

Register for the Indigenomics

SFU Community Economic Development
Webinar  --