Money, Mission, Strategy (MMS) is an innovative peer-based educational clinic designed to equip nonprofits with the knowledge and skills they need to assess their financial health and incorporate practical financial planning tools into day-to-day communications and management.
The Community Forward Fund is hosting a Money, Mission and Strategy clinic in Thunder Bay, Ontario on October 25th (full day) and 26th (morning), 2016. We are looking for nonprofit and charitable organizations from Thunder Bay and the surrounding area to participate.
Only six spots are available - once these have been filled all other organizations will be placed on a waiting list. If you are interested in participating in the clinic, or know an organization who would benefit from taking part,
Please contact Sarah MacNeil at smacneil at or (613) 366-1169
Each participating organization will receive a detailed financial trend analysis report using 3-5 years of past audited statements. Early registration is therefore crucial.
The participation fee for this clinic has been waived.
"The program helped me to see, and tell, our financial story differently. It reinforced the importance of conveying more than the numbers, helping us create a picture of mission-focused financial health instead."
Karen Stearne, Executive Director of Heart Niagara"Money Mission Strategy helped me to better understand my Financial Statements and how to use them to develop and analyze trends that help tell the story of the furniture bank. I feel much more confident of my ability to present my organization financially to our various stakeholders and funders."
Gillian Kemp, MBA, Executive Director of Niagara Furniture Bank