Socioeconomic and environmental crises: responsibilities & roles for grantmaking foundations?

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20 April, 2017 to 21 April, 2017

PhiLab International ConferenceMore than ever all social actors in Quebec and Canada are being challenged by the nature of the socio-economic issues and the environmental challenges we face. 

The symposium will bring to the forefront the conversation of actors in the philanthropic fundraising systems of Quebec, Canada and other countries. It will also mobilize civil society organizations involved in philanthropic action, representatives of the state (from federal to municipal) and entrepreneurs (from the market economy or the social economy). This conversation will be more broadly focused on people who, from the point of view of citizen action with philanthropic reach, are directly challenged by the emergency situation facing our societies.

For more information, you can download the programme here

Register for the PhiLab International Conference

The conference will:

  • Lay the foundation for a conversation on the foundations of current environmental and socio-economic challenges.
  • Clarify the position and role of social actors of the philanthropic ecosystem in facing these challenges.
Hôtel Place Dupuis
Montreal  Quebec
Partnership Building
Social Economy & Social Enterprise
Sustainable Development