Cities Innovating to Reduce Poverty

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18 September, 2018

Cities Innovating to Reduce PovertyDay 1: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Day 2: 9:00am to 12:30pm
John Paul II Polish Cultural Centre
4300 Cawthra Road

Cities are working together in an unprecedented way to develop place-based approaches to ending poverty. Today, more than 175 cities in Canada have, or are developing, community plans that engage governments, businesses, not for profits, and citizens with lived/living experience of poverty to work together to implement new approaches. We are at a unique moment in history in which cities, provinces and our federal government are all converging with independent, yet interrelated, poverty reduction strategies. 

Register for Cities Innovating to Reduce Poverty

As cities harness the assets of their communities, they are finding new ways to end poverty. Increasingly, they are seeing poverty as a comprehensive issue, are advancing their understanding of critical issues across sectors, and are considering the systemic changes that must occur in order to eliminate it.

Cities are recognizing the value of linking private sector and community sector solutions, and are addressing the impacts of poverty on Indigenous people, visible minorities, lone parent families, and other marginalized populations. They are working directly with local businesses, and are meaningfully engaging people with lived/living experience in leadership roles and decision making opportunities to move their work forward.

Learn more about Cities Innovating to Reduce Poverty

Tamarack Vibrant Communities and the Region of Peel
Mississauga  Ontario
Community Capacity Building
Conceptual Frameworks & Approaches
Poverty Reduction
Urban Development