West Central Women's Resource Centre
West Central Women's Resource Centre is preparing to relocate within the West
Central Neighborhood within the next year. A relocation consultant is needed to guide WCWRC through this move.
Duties include:
Research WCWRC financial capacity to relocate, rent or purchase and
renovate a new property;
Research potential properties;
Develop a budget for relocation and property lease/purchase and
Seek financing for relocation (grants, loans, mortgage).
The successful candidate will:
Have experience with property acquisition, management and maintenance;
Strong communication skills (written and verbal);
Experience working with non profit organizations;
Knowledge of funding sources and experience writing proposals.
Please submit a resume and a one page outline describing your process for
guiding this project.
Reply by March 31, 2008 to:
Jackie Hogue, Director
West Central Women's Resource Centre
583 Ellice Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1Z7
ph 774.8975 fx 783.3173