Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program (SCYP) - Grand launch of the display at the Western Development Museum

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6 August, 2008
Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program (SCYP) is celebrating 80 successful years of co-operative youth education this year. To commemorate this anniversary, SCYP is highlighting its proud history with a display at the Western Development Museum (WDM) in Saskatoon, from August until October 2008.


We invite you to join us for the grand launch of the display at the museum on Wednesday, August 6 at 11:30 am. A Saskatoon Co-operative Network luncheon at the WDM, featuring a presentation by Breeann Heggie and Victoria Morris of some of the highlights of the display and history of the Co-op Youth Program will follow the viewing of the display.


In the 1920s, co-operative pioneers were aware that if they did not educate youth about co-operative ways, the movement would not continue to thrive. Pioneers began to use Co-op Schools to ensure the continuation of co-operatives and the use of the co-operative principles. Co-op Schools, now known as the Saskatchewan Co-operative Youth Program, has had over an estimated 42,000 participants and is the longest running co-operative youth education program in Canada.


SCYP hopes that you can join us to celebrate the anniversary of a program that has impacted the lives of so many Saskatchewan youth.


Date: Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Display Launch Time: 11:30 am Luncheon: 12:00 pm

Location: Western Development Museum, 2610 Lorne Avenue

Luncheon Cost: $14 per person

Please RSVP for the luncheon to Maxine at Saskatchewan Co-operative Association, 244-3702 or by August 1, 2008. please advise us of any dietary restrictions.




Western Development Museum
Saskatoon  Saskatchewan