Understanding Oppression: Becoming an Ally -- Workshops

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7 November, 2008
Are you interested in developing a greater understanding of the root causes
of oppression and the role of an ally in order to better address equity and social justice issues?

Do you want to move beyond dealing with the symptoms
of the growing social, economic and racial inequality in our community?

Would you like to become involved in a network of individuals and organizations
that are committed to providing ongoing leadership in our community
regarding anti-oppression education, action and practice ?

This session will be the first in a series of workshops for human service workers, social workers, educators, health care workers, students, activists, and volunteers to further develop awareness, knowledge and skills in this important field.


Michael Hart
author and spokesperson of Aboriginal Social Workers' Society"
"Understanding Oppression: An Aboriginal Perspective"

Anne Bishop
author and facilitator on social justice issues
"The Path to Becoming an Ally"

Registration Fee: $25 - lunch provided
Workshop fee subsidies available for students

Event Contact: 
Centre for Anti-Oppression Studies
c/o Manitoba Association of Social Workers
Robert A. Steen Community Centre
980 Palmerston Ave.
Winnipeg  Manitoba