Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne (FESFO)

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This profile is one of fifteen stories examining youth involvement in community economic development (CED). The profiles have been produced as part of the Canadian CED Network's efforts to encourage effective practices in youth leadership and engagement to enhance the social and economic conditions of Canada's communities.

"FESFO's main goal is to ensure that Franco-Ontarian youth participate fully in the development of their community. In order to achieve this, FESFO must allow youth to discover their own personalities, understand their place in their environment, in order to better identify, evaluate and improve it, have positive experiences in French with other youth to open themselves up to the world, understand the role they can play as Francophones in their community, and help other youth identify themselves as Franco-Ontarian through actions that affirm their identity as Francophones." In order to carry out this mission, FESFO acts on two fronts: defending the interests and opinions of youth to decisionmakers, and providing opportunities for training and group activities to its members.

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