Next Steps to Building a People-Centred Economy - Strengthening the Movement:
a discussion facilitated by Rupert Downing, Co-Director of the Social Economy Research Hub
We are hoping to make this discussion available through a webinar.Please RSVP to and include whether you are attending in-person or if you need sign-in information for the webinar broadcast.
This discussion is part of a series of events leading up to the 2010 Summit on a People-Centred Economy, May 30 – June 1, 2010. Discussion will be around the issue paper, Strengthening the Movement, which is available in pdf format or through a wiki set up for the Summit.
This paper is one of six that will help to develop a common agenda for transforming our economy to address a triple-bottom line. This agenda needs to be developed with input from as many actors as possible, from local nonprofits to large umbrella organizations and from small-scale social enterprises to industry leading co-operatives, since all of these contributors will have a role to play within the final action plan.
This half-day event will be held following the Ontario Nonprofit Network’s Conference and the Ontario Social Economy Symposium to ensure that your perspectives, and those of other actors within the non-profit, co-operative, and social economy sectors, are reflected in the issue paper Strengthening the Movement as part of the upcoming National Summit on a People-Centred Economy.
We encourage your participation in this half-day event, as well as other upcoming in-person, teleconference and web-based engagement opportunities around the Summit themes. For more information about the summit and access to all six issue papers, visit:
2. Presentation on policy findings from the social economy research program:
- international developments in building a more people-centered economy
- developments in Canada
- management and governance of the sector
- next steps for building a more people-centered economy in Canada
3. Discussion - ask questions, provide feedback, and add your comments
4. Next steps - the summit in May/June 2010
- other national and Ontario movement-building events and opportunities