Register Now for the 2010 National Summit on a People-Centred Economy

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New Solutions for a Sustainable Economy at the
2010 National Summit on a People-Centred Economy

Between 2004 and 2008, Canada lost over 320,000 manufacturing jobs – and that was before the latest economic crisis. So when the world’s biggest worker-owned co-operative teamed up with North America’s largest industrial union in 2009 to announce the creation of manufacturing co-operatives in the United States and Canada in late 2009, people took notice. Summit organizers are pleased to have Ken Delaney of the United Steelworkers and Michael Peck, North American representative of Mondragon International, present this new joint initiative to create durable jobs that support stronger communities and sustainable environmental practices.

The deadline for early bird registration is fast approaching! Register before April 15th to take advantage of the reduced rates. Accommodation is also available at a great price on campus at Carleton University. Benefit from this arrangement by booking now.

Are you interested in having a booth at the Summit Tradeshow, or would you like to be an official Summit sponsor? Check out the Exhibitor and Partnership Brochure or contact Matthew Thompson directly at 416-760-2578, or by email at

The six issue papers on the summit themes are available for editing and commentary at The deadline for all feedback, to ensure that your ideas and perspective are included in the papers to be presented at the Summit, is May 14th. There will also be telelearning opportunities around the Summit themes to provide more information on the issue papers. The first of these telelearning sessions will be on April 21st and will be focussed upon the theme of Organizing the Social Economy Marketplace. For information on how to register for these and other engagement activities leading up to the Summit, be sure to visit

A special pre-Summit session on applying a gender lens to the People-Centred Economy will be held on Sunday May 30. See the Summit website for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at the Summit!

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