Social Enterprise Animation
Whereas: The Province of Manitoba invests significant resources in supporting the creation and growth of businesses in Manitoba. Social enterprises in Manitoba use a business model to build fairer and stronger local economies, create jobs and important community services, reduce poverty and renew communities, and create more sustainable environments.
Whereas: Creating, growing, and strengthening social enterprises will scale up their impact and their intended social, economic, and environmental outcomes.
Whereas: Aside from recent initiatives in support of co-op development, the Province of Manitoba currently does not provide adequate resources required to capture opportunities for the creation, growth, and strengthening of social enterprises in Manitoba.
Whereas: The Province of Manitoba has adopted the Community Economic Development Policy Framework and Lens, signed on as a Purchaser with the Social Purchasing Portal, and created a Social Enterprise Working Group in recognition of the need to further develop supports for social enterprise development.
Whereas: Creating, growing, and strengthening social enterprises will result in greater return on investment to government and society, and will result in fairer and stronger local economies, more jobs for people with barriers to employment, important communities services, reduced poverty, renewed communities, and more sustainable environments.
Be It Resolved That:
CCEDNet Manitoba urge the Province of Manitoba to strengthen the capacity of the social enterprise sector to animate, develop, and support social enterprises through the identification of market opportunities, marshalling of resources for the opportunity, and the creation of the framework for the social enterprise.