Pathways for Inclusive and Sustainable Recoveries - CANSEE 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly exposed systemic vulnerabilities in our current economic systems. These vulnerabilities have exacerbated social inequalities, health, and the climate crisis, and exposed how deeply intertwined our social, environmental, and economic systems are. It is with this realization that we must reimagine the structures that failed us with increased intensity, urgency and creativity, if we are to catalyze solutions for a sustainable recovery. Governments, NGOs, and civil society will each play critical roles in shaping this transition. This conference uses an ecological economics lens to engage with these various actors to inform workable, effective, and inclusive public policy solutions that address the ecological challenges our society faces. We recognize that these solutions are inherently complex, like the system they work in. We encourage presenters to discuss transformative policies that address social and ecological inequalities across regions and between generations.