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Social Enterprise Catalyst

April 2, 2014
Belfry Theatre in Victoria, BC

Catalyst is a gala event that will combine speakers, social enterprise pitches and judging to create a high energy, high impact event that raises the profile of both Vancouver Island social enterprises and social enterprise as a sector in general.

Catalyst exists to build momentum of the sector, providing resources directly to social enterprises and highlighting the ‘eco-system’ of supports available.

This event will take place the evening of April 2, 2014 from 6-9 PM. Wine and catering will be provided, with an active networking component incorporated.

[ more info ]

Dynamic speakers will talk about their experience and potential of social enterprise, inspiring the audience around the possibilities to integrate social, environmental and cultural impacts into business models.

Three social enterprises will be pre-selected and coached to share their story and pitch an ‘ask’ for technical assistance and financial investment.

A panel of judges will deliberate, provide feedback and allocate resources to the social enterprises.

Event sponsors will be acknowledged for their support and expertise, raising the visibility of the social enterprise eco-system of supports and opportunity.

A social enterprise ‘Offertunity Fair’ will invite non-presenting social enterprises to share their service or product, where technical assistance and financial investment from the broader audience can be offered on an individual basis.

There will be active opportunities for networking and building relationships.

A graphic facilitator will assist in mapping the social enterprise eco-system in the region and Island.

Social Enterprise Coaching Session (Bilingual)

Save the Date!

Rural Social Enterprise Constellation Presents
Social Enterprise
Coaching Session (Bilingual)

Wednesday February 26, 2014
10:00am-11:30pm  English/French

The Rural Social Enterprise Constellation is connecting, supporting, and growing social enterprise in rural Ontario. It’s a unique partnership among a diverse network of supporters and doers of rural social enterprise and is part of a broader movement to strengthen the social economy in Ontario.

Register now

CLICK HERE to learn about the Growing Your Social Enterprise webinar taking place on Feb. 19

Presented by Cathy Lang, C.Lang Consulting

The Rural Social Enterprise Constellation is connecting, supporting, and growing social enterprise in rural Ontario. It’s a unique partnership among a diverse network of supporters and doers of rural social enterprise and is part of a broader movement to strengthen the social economy in Ontario.

Growing Your Social Enterprise Webinar

Save the Date!

Rural Social Enterprise Constellation Presents
Growing your Social Enterprise Webinar

Wednesday February 19, 2014
10:00am-12:00pm  English

Learn why and how you should grow your social enterprise. Discuss useful approaches to business planning, and look at ways of "scaling" your enterprise. Discover different models for growth including replication and franchising.

Register now

CLICK HERE to learn about the Bilingual Coaching Session taking place on Feb. 26

Presented by Cathy Lang, C.Lang Consulting

The Rural Social Enterprise Constellation is connecting, supporting, and growing social enterprise in rural Ontario. It’s a unique partnership among a diverse network of supporters and doers of rural social enterprise and is part of a broader movement to strengthen the social economy in Ontario.

Co-operative identity and branding: Does the co-op brand attract people?

Wednesday, January 22 | 1:00pm EST (1 hour)
Featured speakers: Siôn Whellens, Gerard Peron, Tom Webb

*Free to attend*

[ Register Here ]

The Measuring the Co-operative Difference Research Network invites you to this webinar to explore how co-operatives brand themselves as such and whether there is a benefit to leading with the co-operative identity. The three featured speakers will engage participants in dissecting the co-op brand and identifying how it appeals to members and the public.

About the Speakers:

Siôn Whellens from Calverts in the UK, the firm (graphic design co-op) behind the new International Co-operative Alliance identity. Siôn was instrumental engaging a worldwide survey of co-operators to inform the new co-op branding. Siôn will provide highlights from the survey that unpack ideas of co-op branding. Siôn Whellens has been a worker co-operator for 30 years. He is Client Services Director at UK design and production co-op Calverts and a member of the UK Worker Co-operative Council. Siôn served on the board of Co-operatives UK from 2006 to 2011.

Gerard Peron will speak about the ‘Certification of compliance with cooperative practices©’ a program developed out of Quebec as a way of certifying co-operatives that abide by the internationally accepted co-op principles. He will explain why the certification was developed, how it works, why it is a helpful branding mechanism and why it was not yet implemented. Gérard Perron has held management positions since 1977. His expertise is recognized in economic development (local and cooperative development) as well as in organizational development (corporate governance and project management).

Tom Webb has been a co-op practitioner and educator for many decades and as well has worked in corporate communications in the co-operative sector. Tom will respond to the first two presentations, providing a reflection on how co-op branding and identity can serve as a marketing advantage and how this can be done, providing examples from co-operatives who have done successful marketing of their co-operative identity.

*Please note we have changed our audio set-up so prepare to join via VOIP on your computer or otherwise phone a Toronto-based number*

Contact Info:

Erin Hancock
Manager of Research and Education
613.238.6711 ext 211
toll free: 1.866.266.7677 ext 211

Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution

Thursday, January 23, 2014
1-2 pm ET (noon-1 pm CT)

Join Marjorie Kelly, The Democracy Collaborative, as she shares insights on the emerging ownership revolution based on her new book. Join us!

[ register here ]

About Marjorie Kelly's Owning Our Future:

Looking around at the wreckage left in the wake of the world economy s latest crisis, veteran business journalist Marjorie Kelly noticed that some institutions were left relatively unscathed. What did they have in common? The key, Kelly realized, is seemingly obscure: ownership. Prominent among the survivors were organizations that combined the flexibility of traditional private ownership with a focus on the common good.

As long as businesses are set up to focus exclusively on maximizing quarterly returns for a limited group of individuals, the economy will be plagued by destructive boom - bust cycles. But now people are experimenting with new forms of ownership. We are in the midst of the most creative period of economic innovation since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Kelly calls these new forms generative: aimed at creating the conditions for life for many generations to come. They are in contrast to the dominant ownership designs of today, which can be called extractive: aimed at extracting short - term financial wealth.

To understand these emerging ownership alternatives, Kelly reports from all over the world, visiting a community - owned wind facility in Massachusetts, a lobster cooperative in Maine, a multibillion - dollar employee - owned department - store chain in London, a foundation - owned pharmaceutical in Denmark, a farmer - owned dairy in Wisconsin, and other places where an economy that works for all is being built.

Event Contact

Deb Markley
Center for Rural Entrepreneurship

Introduction to Unleashing Local Capital

What's happening in your community?  Are there needs for local investment?

Are there opportunities to support the transition of ownership from an older entrepreneur to a younger one?

Are there new businesses that are really needed?

Are there existing businesses that want to expand?

January 22, 2014
12:00 - 1:00pm
Free Webinar

Unleashing Local Capital is an innovative model for local residents within your community to support your own local community through investing in your own Opportunity Development Co-op (ODC). Through your investment, you can be actively engaged in the success of your community and the growth of your investment, using your own cash savings or your RRSPs.

Join us to learn:

  • What is it?
  • Where did it come from?
  • How does it work?
  • What are some successful examples here in Alberta?
  • What can this do for you?

This free webinar that will give you what you need to gather some friends and do some really genuine and meaningful work in your community that will enhance the entire community.

What do you have to lose?  Or, what do you have to gain?


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