British Columbia/Yukon

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Donald Street Farm Tours

Instructor: Deb Heighway
Cost: $15

Deb Heighway has spent time developing a number of urban agriculture plots on her neighbours' land, as well as her own. Beginning with going door to door asking folks on Donald Street if they would be willing to let her grow food in their yards, she has now set up a number of sites along the three-block length of Donald Street. Come take a walking tour of Deb's neighbourhood plots and learn how she established Donald Street Farms.

Call or email LifeCycles to Register: or 250-383-5800


Urban Agriculture Bike Tour

Geoff Johnson & Brodie Metcalfe

Time: TWO TIMES: 12PM-3PM or 3:30PM-6:30PM
Location: Tour begins at Compost Education Centre (1216 North Park St.)
Cost: $15.00

People are increasingly trying to find ways to be more sustainable in the city. This includes the importance and rising popularity of urban agriculture. Despite living in the city, folks have found ways as individuals and as collectives to coordinate alternative food systems by growing locally, small-scale, and sustainably. Join Geoff Johnson and Brodie Metcalfe for a bicycle tour of U.A. sites in Victoria.

Please remember to bring your helmet, a lock for your bike, some water and food.

Note: The Intro to Urban Homesteading and the Bicycle Tour are meant to be a workshop series. We encourage people to sign up for both days!

Call or email LifeCycles to Register: or 250-383-5800

Introduction to Urban Homesteading

As public concern over peak oil, climate change, and food security grows, so too does the movement to "re-localise" our resources. Much more food, water, and energy can be produced and cycled in the city than most folks realise, and where better to start than our own home habitats? This presentation will provide an overview of various systems that can be developed to make existing urban homes more sustainable and autonomous.

These include:

  • Soil and Fertility
  • Food production (short and long term)
  • Harvesting and cycling H20
  • Energy Systems and Appropriate technology

Call or email LifeCycles to Register: or 250-383-5800

Volunteer Project Manager/Event Planner

Young Environmental Professionals (YEP) Canada, The Delphi Group, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, working in conjunction with the Globe Foundation, are inviting you to manage the coordination and delivery of the 3rd biennial Forum for Emerging Environmental Leaders - a side event to the Globe 2010 Conference in Vancouver (March 2010).

Volunteer position
6 Sep 2009

Fabulous Facilitation, a Workshop for Group Leaders

Tired of using the same old ice breakers and activities for workshops, courses or staff meetings? This hands-on workshop is packed with innovative ice breakers, group games and team energizers to freshen up your repertoire!

Perfect for those who facilitate groups of adults or young adults, this lively workshop will give you tons of ideas to take back to your own settings.

Session leader Jecelin Caldwell is a partner in Possibilities Training Group (, a consulting company specializing in team development, group facilitation and experintial learning programs.

Cost: $40 for Volunteer Victoria members, $50 for non-members

The Value of Ecovillages

O.U.R. ECOVILLAGE is a sustainable learning community and demonstration site located in the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

We base our work on Permaculture principles and offer learning opportunities for Natural Building, Sustainable Food Production and Leadership.


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