Legacy Leadership Lab Final Findings
A growing network of Canadian organizations and professionals are exploring Social Acquisitions for Business Recovery (SABR), a strategy that sees conventional enterprises transition into social purpose enterprising forms (like a co-op, a social enterprise, a charity, a non-profit, or any combination of the same).
This burgeoning community was inspired and supported by the Government of Canada's Investment Readiness program ecosystem-mobilizer partner, Legacy Leadership Lab. Since September of 2019 we have convened, formed, and sustained an evolving and rapidly-mobilizing collection of stakeholders from a wide range of disciplines to pursue the social acquisition solution as a succession and recovery strategy for Canada's small businesses and a tool for sustainable economic vitality and inclusion for the under-serviced and under-represented within our country.
L3 welcomes you for a final semi-interactive 90-minute webinar with simultaneous English-French translation as we conclude our government-funded efforts and look to the future of the movement.