Towards Regional Collaboration Workshop
- Are you interested in seeing how Northern remote rural communities can remain sustainable through innovation?
- Are you interested in exploring new trends in regional collaboration, both horizontal and vertical?
- Are you interested in exploring how communities, the Federal and Provincial governments, NGOs, universities and others can collaborate to enhance regional development?
- Are you curious about collaborative opportunities between the Quebec Lower North Shore and the Labrador Straits region?
This interactive event will feature presentations about the most recent trends in regional development as well as opportunities to engage with local stakeholders, policy advisors, academic researchers and other knowledgeable and interested persons. A fuller program will be available shortly. And, of course, we will make sure to include cultural and heritage activities as part of the program! If you’re into regional development in rural and remote communities, this event is for you! Please make sure to reserve the date for this exciting workshop!
The language of the conference will be English.
The organizing committee is aiming to keep the registration fee as low as possible, and to seek a travel subsidy for local attendees and NGOs. More information will be provided as soon as possible.The organizing committee is composed of representatives of:
- Réseau de Développement Économique et d’Employabilité de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador (RDÉE TNL)
- Corporation d’employabilité et de développement économique communautaire (CÉDEC)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland
- Concordia University
- Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF)
- SmartLabrador
- Municipalité Régional de Comté (MRC) du Golfe St-Laurent
- Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN Quebec)
Visitors from outside the region should consider adding two days for travel in addition to the workshop days, one day before and one after the workshop. The region is well served by Provincial Airlines and ferry from the Island of Newfoundland. Visitors may also want to add some days for touring the region either before or after the workshop.
For more information or to register, please contact Christophe Caron (RDÉE TNL, 709-726-5974, or Allen Richards (CEDEC, 450-264-5510,