From the Ground Up: The Community Control of Land, Housing, and the Economy
The Canadian Center for Architecture
1920 Baile St
Join in the awakening of a community movement for housing justice, direct democracy, and a solidarity economy.
More information on From the Ground Up
Property prices are rising at a faster rate than revenues and the cost of living. Tenants are being evicted from their housing by owners that are transforming their property into condos in order to make even greater profit. Entire neighbourhoods are being gentrified at the expense of local populations and small businesses.
But is this displacement inevitable, or can citizens indeed seize power and ownership and gain the necessary skills to autonomously determine their collective destiny?
This visionary international conference is organised by the citizens of Milton Parc and solidarity economy pioneers and is affiliated with the Milton-Parc Citizens’ Committee (MPCC), which fought for the creation of what is now the largest community housing project on a community land trust in North America. The collective From The Ground Up has been created as a citizen-led educational project to renew our vision and broaden our collective ambitions for community
After various successful events over the last year, we invite you to a three day conference! Speakers from across North America are expected, such as Saki Hall (Cooperation Jackson, Mississippi), Lorena Zarate (President of Habitat International Coalition, Mexico City), Protec-Terre, and the first meeting of a new Canadian network of community land trusts for housing.