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Advancing the Social Economy for Socio-economic Development: International perspectives
Although not exhaustive, this literature review provides a picture of current international discourse on the public policy significance of the Social Economy (SE). Key findings suggest that the SE is a major economic force, accounting for a significant share of global production of goods and services and employment and contributing to sustainable social and economic development.
Organizing for Community Controlled Development: Renewing Civil Society
This book is both important and timely. Written by practitioners who are also academics, the book combines solid research, observation and practical experience that speak forcefully to the need for both local place-based development and greater citizen involvement. The examples they give of successful local efforts to renew neighborhoods demonstrate that change is possible and that resources are available for such purposes. Patricia W. Murphy and James V.
Community economic development: In search of empowerment and alternatives
Can a community-based economy be developed that adresses the social needs of low incomes communities though local economic development, and through such projects help those who are marginal to gain a voice that will allow them to have greater control over their lives?
Community Economic Development: In Search of Empowerment
Central governments and their economic policies rarely help economic development at the local level, taking more out of communities than they put into their growth and health.
Communities on the Way
Rebuilding Local Economies in the United States and Canada
"There is nothing else like it; the first of its kind. It has wide application in cities and rural communities of the U.S.A. and abroad. The epidemic of communities stranded economically by plant closings makes it extremely timely, indeed overdue." -- Nelson N. Foote