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CCEDNet Supports the Renewal of the Cooperative Development Initiative

On February 27, CCEDNet sent the following letter to Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty calling for the federal government to renew the co-operative development initiative (CDI) in 2012, the international year of co-operatives. 

By facilitating the start-up and expansion of new co-operatives through project funding and advisory services, the CDI program makes an important contribution to Canada’s economic growth. Funding for this program amounts to approximately $4 million per year, a relatively small expenditure given the impact it has had on co-operative development.

Building a Federal Framework and Program in Support of CED

Kirsten Bernas and Brendan Reimer

This report is written by Kirsten Bernas and Brendan Reimer of the CCEDNet-Manitoba office as part of the Linking, Learning, Leveraging paper series.

Recommendations for a Sustained Economic Recovery - CCEDNet's Federal Pre-Budget Brief

Governments are looking for ways to support families and children, to reinforce learning and innovation, and to encourage community involvement in an era of fiscal restraint. With population aging increasing pressures on the labour market, growing health care costs straining budgets and initiatives to reduce carbon emissions prompting economic shifts, the need for cost effective delivery of essential goods and services to Canadians is reinforced.


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