Practitioner Strengthening
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Shifting Focus: Alternative Pathways for Communities and Economies
Building a Co-operative Community in Public Housing: The Case of the Atkinson Housing Co-operative
CED Profile: WCEO: Westman Coalition for Employment Opportunities Inc
This is one of the Canadian CED Network's CED in Manitoba Profiles Project produced 50 stories of Manitoba communities working to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty, and revitalize neighbourhoods.
Profiles of Effective Practice in Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations
Responding to a request from the newer Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations (NRCs) in Manitoba, Neighbourhoods Alive! asked CCEDNet to facilitate knowledge transfer between old and new NRCs. Through interviews with both the newer NRCs on their challenges and the older NRC’s on their strengths, 15 profiles were developed.
CED Profile: Resource Assistance for Youth
This is one of the Canadian CED Network's CED in Manitoba Profiles Project produced 50 stories of Manitoba communities working to build fairer and stronger local economies, reduce poverty, and revitalize neighbourhoods.
Facilitating meaningful relationships between young adults and their neighbourhood is an important way to create trust amongst residents, help build stronger communities, and create economic opportunities for local youth.