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Ensuring a Sustainable Future: Making Progress on Environment and Equity
There is very little argument that the world is facing severe environmental challenges. Ongoing air and water pollution, increasing energy consumption, and the depletion of natural resources have all placed considerable stress on the capacity of our environment to support the present quality of human life in a sustainable manner.
Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution
Looking around at the wreckage left in the wake of the world economy’s latest crisis, veteran business journalist Marjorie Kelly noticed that some institutions were left relatively unscathed. What did they have in common? The key, Kelly realized, is seemingly obscure: ownership. Prominent among the survivors were organizations that combined the flexibility of traditional private ownership with a focus on the common good.
Mobilizing Community Capital for Co-op Development
Posted: November 5, 2013
Seeking to address the investment financing challenge that co-operatives face, this research explores the potential for building on existing legislation in Manitoba to create a province-wide Community Development Investment Fund (CDIF) as a financial vehicle to raise equity capital for co-ops by leveraging the provincial Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit to encourage equity investments in co-operative start-ups and
Mobilizing Community Capital for Co-op Development in Manitoba
Seeking to address the investment financing challenge that co-operatives face, this research explores the potential for building on existing legislation in Manitoba to create a province-wide CDIF as a financial vehicle to raise equity capital for co-ops by leveraging the provincial Community Enterprise Development (CED) Tax Credit to encourage equity investments in co-operative start-ups and expansions.