CED Toolbox
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Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada and the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives,2015
Annie E. Casey Foundation ,2015
Center on Social Disparities in Health, the Build Healthy Places Network, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,2015
Canada sans pauvrete, citoyens pour une politique juste,2015
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Corporation for Enterprise Development,2015
SAW-B (Solidarité des alternatives wallonnes et bruxelloises),2015
Participatory City,2015
Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ, USA,2015
Living Cities,2015
Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) ,2014
Initiative for a Competitive Inner City and Prudential Foundation,2014
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development,2014
The Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria,2014
Family and Community Support Services, City of Calgary,2014
Pôle régional d’économie sociale de la Capitale-Nationale,2014
Presse de l'Université du Québec,2014