CED Toolbox
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The Mowat Centre & The Atkinson Foundation,2015
Canadian CED Network and Accelerating Social Impact CCC,2015
SAW-B (Solidarité des Alternatives Wallonnes et Bruxelloises),2015
The Brookings Institution ,2015
Momentum ,2015
Co-created by the Canadian CED Network and the Province of Manitoba,2015
The Canadian Community Economy Development Network, MaRS Centre for Impact Investing, Simon Fraser University, Mount Royal University,2015
Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience ,2015
Enterprise Community Loan Fund,2015
La Fondation canadienne pour la revitalisation rurale,2015
Toronto Community Benefits Network,2015
Aberdeen City Council, NHS Grampian, Nuture Development,2015
Social Enterprise Toronto and the Learning Enrichment Foundation,2015
The Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity (JEOD),2015
Le Réseau de développement des collectivités du Canada,2015
SURF (Scotland's Independent Regeneration Network),2015
RDÉE Canada et CEDEC,2015
Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation,2015