CED Toolbox
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Canadian CED Network,2012
Thrive - Calgary's CED Network,2012
Canadian CED Network,2012
Commissioned by Community Waitakere,2012
Institut de recherche et d'éducation pour les coopératives et les mutuelles de l'Université de Sherbrooke (IRECUS),2012
University of British Columbia Press ,2012
The Canadian CED Network, Mount Royal University, Simon Fraser University,2012
INDITERRA (Revue internationale sur l'Autochtonie),2012
City of Hamilton, Planning and Economic Development Department,2012
Rockefeller Foundation and E.T. Jackson and Associates,2012
Commissioned by Community Waitakere,2012
Falls Brooks Centre,2012
The Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations,2012
Inspiring Communities,2012
Institut de recherche et d'éducation pour les coopératives et les mutuelles de l'Université de Sherbrooke (IRECUS),2012
Philadelphia Area Cooperative Alliance,2012