CED Toolbox
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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,2021
Conseil de la coopération de l'Ontario,2021
Canadian CED Network,2021
The New School,2021
Wellbeing Economy Alliance,2021
Indigenous Climate Action,2021
First Policy Response,2020
United Frontline Table,2020
The Canadian Women's Foundation, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ontario Nonprofit Network, Fay Faraday,2020
Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change,2020
Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change,2020
Créneau des entreprises collectives en service aux personnes âgées autonomes ou en perte d’autonomie (PAAPA) ,2020
New Economy Coalition,2020
Metcalf Foundation,2019
Yellowhead Institute,2019
Calgary Economic Development, Imagine Cities, Momentum, REAP, Thrive, United Way Calgary and Area, Vibrant Communities Calgary, enough for all,2018
Democracy Collaborative,2018
CIRIEC International Aisbl,2018