CED Toolbox
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Business Conversions to Worker Cooperatives: Insights and Readiness Factors for Owners and EmployeesProject Equity,2015
Corus'ESS (COnnaissance et Reconnaissance de l’Utilité Sociale en ESS),2015
The National Resource Network,2015
Atlantic Health System, Morristown, NJ, USA,2015
One Earth,2015
Enterprising Non-Profits,2015
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and Corporation for Enterprise Development,2015
Green Belt, Metcalf Foundation, and the J.W. McConnell Foundation,2015
SAW-B (Solidarité des alternatives wallonnes et bruxelloises),2015
Participatory City,2015
Centre for Local Economic Strategies,2015
Grassroots Economic Organizing,2014
Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development,2014
Institute for Local Self-Reliance,2014
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),2014
CANDO (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) ,2014
Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) ,2014
Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation,2014