In 2006 Algoma University, with funding provided by the Ontario Trillium Foundation through the Canadian CED Network (CCEDNet), undertook a research initiative designed to identify areas for policy improvement related to social enterprises which employ persons in receipt of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). This is one of four case studies developed as an outcome of this initiative.
The Services to Children and Adults of Prescott-Russell (SCAPR) offers a variety of supports to vulnerable individuals (SCAPR, 2007). Although SCAPR's clients already were experiencing some social exclusion related to their disability, trying to enter the workforce created additional challenges to their participation (Arcand, 2007). The development of competitive employment opportunities for vulnerable individuals faces particular challenges in rural areas such as the county of Prescott-Russell due to high levels of unemployment and the lack of public transportation (Arcand, 2007). To address these challenges and to move away from the client based model, affirmative enterprises were created (Groupe CONVEX, n.d.a). Groupe CONVEX focuses on the expansion of innovative businesses and the creation of conditions in the workplace that positively impact employees (Groupe CONVEX, n.d.a).
Read Charles Printing Case Study (6 pages pdf)