The Right Stuff

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This profile is one of fifteen stories examining youth involvement in community economic development (CED). The profiles have been produced as part of the Canadian CED Network's efforts to encourage effective practices in youth leadership and engagement to enhance the social and economic conditions of Canada's communities.

The Greater Trail Community Skills Centre was established as a non-profit society in 1997 in response to rising unemployment, economic restructuring, the need for skill enhancement and training and the changing demographics in the Greater Trail region. The mandate of the Skills Centre is to serve as a focal point for bringing together community resources to support individual, organizational and community capacity building. The Centre's mission statement is to be "a community leader in social and economic development and learning." The Skills Centre's social enterprise venture is called "The Right Stuff". The venture is designed "to meet the needs of youth related to employment and training and to diversify and grow the Skills Centres' revenue sources to support other projects and programs that fulfill our social mandate." This profile will relate the story of how the Right Stuff developed and will provide an outline of its development as a social venture to date.


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