CUExpo 2008

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4 May, 2008 to 7 May, 2008

CUexpo 2008
Community-University Partnerships: Connecting for Change

May 4 - 7, 2008 University of Victoria

Victoria, BC CANADA

We are pleased to announce that the registration has started and that we have posted a list of presenters on our website.

This list is organized alphabetically by the name of the main session presenter and includes the session title, main presenter, co-presenters and abstract.

You can view the List of Presenters and register by going to our Website.

Registration includes conference materials, breaks, reception, 3 lunches and the banquet:
Regular Early fee is $375.00 CND (includes tax) Student Early fee is $200.00 CND (includes tax)

Additional pre and post conference tours and events available for an additional fee.

Accommodation is available at the University of Victoria as well as in downtown hotels. A cab to UVic from downtown costs about $20.00 each way.
Additional accommodation and travel, site information is available on our website.

We were very pleased with the overall quality and range of issues provided in the conference submissions and look forward to a most productive dialogue, and a most successful CUexpo 2008.

Event Contact: 
Cheers from Victoria,
Mary O'Rourke
Conference Manager

Mary O'Rourke
Maire Consulting
P: (250) 652 - 5598
F: (250) 652 - 5537

Victoria  British Columbia