Co-operatives in Periods of Economic Crisis
Paul Hazen: President, National Cooperative Business Association.
What lessons can we learn from how co-operatives have helped people to weather tough times in the past? Paul Hazen will overview the history of how people have used co-ops in recessionary times. He will also discuss how co-ops in the U.S. and abroad are managing during the current economic crisis.
WEBINAR #2: September 17th 1:30 - 3:00 pm EDT
Preserving Main Streets Through Co-operatives
Howard Brodsky: Co-Founder, Chairman, and Co-CEO of CCA Global Partners.
Small family-owned businesses can and do compete with big-box stores. Howard Brodsky will review the shared services co-operative model and how it has enabled thousands of small, Main Street business owners to successfully compete against Goliath outlets like Wal-Mart and Home Depot.
WEBINAR #3: October 14th 1:30 - 3:00 pm EDT
How are Credit Unions Performing in the Current Banking Crisis?
(Moderator) Jessica Gordon Nembhard: Associate Professor, John Jay College.
(Panelists) Ronald Covey: President & CEO, St. Mary's Bank. Clifford Rosenthal:
President & CEO, National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions.
This session will be a panel discussion about how credit unions and community development credit unions are doing in this period of bank foreclosures and bailouts. The panelists will elaborate on how credit unions are working with their members to not only survive the current economic downturn; but also to build assets for themselves and their families.
WEBINAR #4: October 21st 1:30 - 3:00 pm EDT
Housing Co-operatives in a Time of Foreclosures
Terry Lewis, Esq.: LIA Associates & Chair, Co-operative Development Foundation.
Co-operatives and Public Policy
John Holdsclaw: Director of Policy Development, NCB Capital Impact.
They will also talk about how they are working with low-income residents to access banking services and to build personal savings and asset wealth. Housing co-ops haven't experienced the same rates of foreclosure as other forms of ownership. Co-ops are a great model for providing home ownership to people of all income levels and stages of life. Terry Lewis will discuss how housing co-ops are the right model for moving foreclosed homes into stable ownership. John Holdsclaw, a School of CED at Southern NH University alumnus, has successfully advocated co-op policy issues at NCB Capital Impact for many years. He will reflect on current public policy priorities in strengthening the use of cooperatives for community economic development.