Looks at the ways in which communities organize in order to build the skills, knowledge and confidence of local people to act for social, economic and political change.
This workshop is part of SFU's Certificate Program for Community Economic Development Professionals: www.sfu.ca/cscd/ced
What people are saying about the program...
"The Program's broad-based, grassroots approach to community economic development is extremely valuable, surprisingly innovative, and completely refreshing. Every economic development professional should take the SFU-CED Program!"
- David Kalinchuk, Economic Development Manager, Rocky View, Alberta
"I loved every second of the program. I was expecting to leave with a deeper understanding of CED, and I did, but more importantly I connected with my fellow students and have been inspired by their passion and enthusiasm for making a difference in their communities."
- Michelle Eggli, enterprising non-profits program, Vancity