Manage Effective, Efficient & Enjoyable Board Meetings

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5 October, 2009
Develop skills for conducting and leading effective, efficient, and meaningful meetings. Create processes within boards that build positive group dynamics and encourage the sharing of information and ideas. Learn how to incorporate informal and formal approaches to planning and running meetings. Also included are creating agendas, facilitating meetings, and taking minutes.

What will you learn?

Awareness of responsibilities and skills required of Board members and the Board chair in conducting effective, efficient, and enjoyable meetings.

Specific topics are:

  1. Setting Agenda Items,
  2. Expectations of the Board Chair, Board Members, and Committees,
  3. Decision Making Options,
  4. Qualities of an Effective Chair,
  5. Managing Discussions,
  6. Dealing with Difficult People,
  7. A Committee Template for Success and,
  8. Formal, Informal and Committee-of-the-Whole Meetings.

Certificates will be issued to individuals who complete all 4 workshops.


Who Should Attend?

Executive Directors, Chairpersons and Board Members.

"I must say that I was totally impressed by Ron's knowledge and the way he presented the material. I found his information to be very relevant and he allowed for open discussions. He lived up to this topic of having an Effective, efficient and enjoyable meeting. There was alot of material to cover and we managed to get through all of it effectively, efficiently and, most of all, enjoyably. I highly recommend anyone as a volunteer board member to sit in on these sessions as they are higly valuable tools."
Gabriel Ayotte, Director of Publicity / Directeur de publicité, Bonivital Soccer Club


Monday, October 5, 2009
4:00pm - 7:00pm

Workshop Location:

Volunteer Manitoba Training Room, 2nd Floor
5 Donald Street South
Winnipeg MB


$75 (includes materials and light refreshments)


Ron Hayes, Centre for Professional Excellence (facilitator info)

For Information:

Delores Jansen, Registration Coordinator
phone: 204.477.5180 ext 221 (toll free) 888.922.4545

Cancellation and final registration date: 7 days prior

Volunteer Manitoba Training Room, 2nd Floor
5 Donald Street South
Winnipeg  Manitoba