From Rural Recession to Revitalization: A one-day Workshop Hosted by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation

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17 October, 2009

Insights from 21 years of Canadian Rural Research, Policy, Practice, and Education

The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF) is pleased to host a workshop on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at the Hotel Pur in downtown Quebec City as an immediate follow‐on to an OECD Rural Development Conference, "Developing rural policies to meet the needs of a changing world", that is also being held in Quebec City.

The primary objective of the CRRF workshop is to facilitate discussion regarding rural development research and policy insights among Canadians, visiting OECD delegates, other International participants in these troubling economic times. By using insights from over two decades of research from the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF), we will highlight Canadian perspectives and take advantage of CRRF's extensive network of researchers, policy‐makers, and practitioners, as well as international colleagues for a broader discussion.

The workshop will be organized in three sessions led by national and international rural scholars; an event not to be missed.

The workshop is open to the general public as well as OECD conference delegates. Registration for the one‐day event is $150.00, including lunch, and morning and afternoon health break refreshments.

We'll keep you posted! Registration forms and program details are forthcoming.

An Opening Reception is being planned for
Friday October 16 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Hotel Pur.

Hotel PUR
395 rue de la Couronne
Quebec City  Quebec  G1K 7X4