MAAS Confernece

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9 January, 2010

23rd Annual MAAS Conference

January 9th in Brandon, Manitoba

Learn, share and collaborate with rural organizations on issues that are of concern to you and your particular region. MAFRI is pleased to be partnering with the Manitoba Association of Agriculture Societies (MAAS) as they host their annual conference in Brandon, in conjunction with the Manitoba 4-H council, with sponsorship by the Rural Secretariat.  An invitation has also been extended to people interested in Community Economic Development in rural Manitoba (i.e. you!) to participate in this unique conference which will help us to explore partnerships to collaborate on common issues. How can we work together in communities to address issues that affect everyone?

This first time event bringing together these rural groups will provide individual organizations with topic specific workshops and training in the morning of Jan. 9th, plus a full afternoon with internationally known community developer, Silver Donald Cameron. Cameron will lead the participants from all three organizations through stimulating discussions and planning for their own communities. Be part of this exciting event to build relationships and explore innovative ways to ensure vibrant rural communities.

To register, e-mail to or phone 483-2968

For complete information, download the flyer

Brandon  Manitoba