Social Enterprise Development Workshops

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25 February, 2010 to 13 May, 2010

A series of workshops and coaching opportunities are being offered by the Collaborative for Innovative Social Enterprise Development (CISED) for organizations wanting to start or grow a social enterprise that supports their mandate. These half-day workshops will be offered over several months and will provide organizations with training and follow-up coaching to undertake social enterprise exploration, early stage feasibility analysis, and business planning for their venture. A dynamic team of trainers and coaches comprised of private sector professionals, academics, funders, social enterprise practitioners and entrepreneurs has been established to provide a wide variety of expertise and experience.

The six half-day workshops are scheduled to begin on Thursday February 25th, 2010 and will conclude on May 13th. The cost is $150 per person for the complete package and registration is limited.

 The workshop series is structured as follows:


WORKSHOPS:   (From 9AM to Noon)

Workshop #1:   Social Enterprise Primer  (Thursday February 25, 2010)

Objectives: To introduce participants to the concept and language of social enterprise; build a basic understanding of the social enterprise field; and provide participants with information about resources available to support social enterprise development.

Workshop #2:   Organizational Readiness & Venture Feasibility   (Thursday, March 4, 2010)

Objectives: To provide participants with an overview of the key challenges and questions related to the social, business and organizational feasibility/readiness of operating a social enterprise.

COACHING:       Up to 4 hours of one-on-one coaching will be provided to each organization to supplement the training received in Workshop #1 and #2.

COST:                $50.00 per person.  Includes 2 workshops and up to 4 hours of coaching per organization.


PART B:             DEVELOPING THE BUSINESS PLAN (4 half-day workshops) 


WORKSHOPS:    (From 9AM to noon)

Workshop #3:    Introduction to Market Research & Business Planning  (Thursday March 25, 2010)

Objectives: To provide clarity about the business planning process; provide participants with a basic understanding of the key components of business planning and the interrelation of those components; to develop a strategy for doing market research.

Workshop #4:    Social Costs, Benefits & Impact  (Thursday April 8, 2010)

Objectives: To assist participants to analyze the target markets they are working with and the outcomes they want to achieve; to understand all the social components of the venture; to identify models that capture the social costs and benefits; and further assess the social feasibility of the venture.

Workshop #5:    The Marketing Plan  (Thursday April 29, 2010)

Objectives: To provide participants with an understanding of the key components of a marketing plan; develop a clear and concise product/service description; understand the considerations necessary to develop a pricing strategy; and develop a preliminary promotional strategy and sales forecast.                         

Workshop #6:    Financial Planning  (Thursday May 13, 2010)

Objectives: To provide participants with an understanding of how to generate a budget for start-up and operating costs, as well as a cash flow statement for their venture.

COACHING:        Up to 10 hours of one-on-one coaching will be provided to each organization to supplement the training received in Workshops #3-6.

COST:                $100.00 per person.  Includes 4 workshops and up to 10 hours of coaching per organization.

Event Contact: 

To register or for more information, please contact Brenda Richardson at (613) 725-3494 ext. 105 or by email.

Ottawa  Ontario