Seeking Community in Chaotic Times: The Structure of Belonging

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16 March, 2010

Join Paul Born as he interviews Peter Block live about his latest book on community and belonging. Find out why Peter wrote the book, why he feels community is needed now more than ever and how we might work differently to change our communities for the better. Paul will also engage Peter in questions about the imperatives of our time: What is going on around us? How do we make sense of this together?

Peter writes, "Modern society is characterized by isolation and a weakened social fabric. The various sectors of our communities - businesses, schools, social service organizations, churches, government-work in parallel, not in concert. They exist in their own worlds as do so many individual citizens, who long for connection but end up marginalized, their gifts overlooked, their potential contributions lost. This disconnection and detachment makes it hard if not impossible to envision a common future and work towards it together."

Peter Block is the author of several best selling books. Many of us know Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest (1993) and the wildly successful Flawless Consulting (2000). His books are about ways to create workplaces and communities that work for all. They offer an alternative to the patriarchal beliefs that dominate our culture. His work is to bring change into the world through consent and connectedness rather than through mandate and force.

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